Author Guidelines

About Writing Article
1. The author submit the manuscript based on her/his original paper. The manuscript has not been published in any media and are not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
2. The author is a researcher, professional or scholar who writes original research paper based on 6 topics of  NeoRespublica: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan. 
3. The manuscript is written in Indonesian or English (4000-6000 words), typed on A-4 paper, with normal margin border.
4. The title should representing the content of the manuscript. It consist of no more than 14 words and written by tittle case.
5. The identity of author consist of name, affiliation, and email. If the manuscript written by more than one author's with similar affiliation, the address of affiliation no need to be listed separately. Only corresponding author listed by the postal address at the bottom line of the article.
6. Abstract written in English and Bahasa Indonesia with 150-250 words in length. Keywords written in Italic style and contain of 5 words.
7. Systematics Writing consists of Introduction ( outlines the background, the formulation of the problem, the purpose of the study. And describe relevant approaches, theories, or concepts as a basis for analysis), Method (This part contains a description on the research design, subject or object of research, data collecting technique, and data analysis, which have been conducted by researcher), Result and Discussion (contains description of finding and discussion, The author presents the results of the latest findings with existing research findings), Conclusion (contain brief and clear information about the essence of the results of the research and recommendations), Acknowledgements are addressed to all people or parties involved or assist in the completion of research activities (if any), References.
8. The manuscript prefer indirect citation (paraphrasing). The citation come from primary source of data - depth interviewed, mentioned in the paragraph and references.  
9. Reference and citation style complies with American Psychological Association (APA) 6th Edition (Use Reference manager such as Mendeley ).
10. Table, figure, graphic, and chart in the manuscript must be mentioned in the discussion of paragraph 
11. The author writes paragraph systematically. It avoid the use of dot points, aggregation, or sequential numbering downwards but written as a part of paragraph.