Innovation of The Three In One Service Program of The Population and Civil Registration Service of Bandar Lampung City
Public, Service, InnovationAbstract
This research will see like what innovation service for the wider community the Three in One service program at the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Bandar Lampung City. In conducting this research, the method used is, qualitative descriptive., descriptive method is defined as a problem solving procedure investigated by describing or describing the current state of the subject or object of research (a person, institution, community, etc.) based on the facts that appear or are what they are. In describing the research, the data collected is data in the form of documentation and also conducting interviews and also conducting observations. Things that will be shown from this research are in the form of that the three-in-one public service innovation has been running well but not yet optimal. Aspects that become obstacles to the three in one service innovation inhibiting factors include the accumulation of service applicant files and the length of the three in one application file completion process, namely KK, KIA and Birth Certificates
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